Emma Balevic
Graduate Student Researcher
Ph.D. Student, Mechanical Engineering
Email: emma.balevic@colorado.edu
As a member of both the Hannigan Air Quality Lab and Burleson Global Design Group, my research at the University of Colorado Boulder brings air quality and engineering design together to create positive impacts in both social and environmental areas. My passion for this research is accompanied by a passion for mentorship and teaching. I am always seeking mentors as I enter new phases of life, and I consistently seek feedback as I continue accepting new challenges. I love working with undergraduate students to help them navigate their studies and reveal their ability to reach beyond whatever goals they have set for themselves. It is an honor to contribute to meaningful research at CU Boulder, and I am thrilled to work with teams with unique methods of communication, thoughts, and task execution. I do love my work, but I can also be found training for triathlons, rock climbing with friends, fishing in a quiet creek, or budgeting my money for my next trip to REI.
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Sustainable Engineering Minor, Purdue University